While we’d never decline a dip into the spa anytime of the day, check out some of our all-time favorite opportunities to relax and spend some time in the spa.

1) When you feel stressed

Alone time in the spa will allow you to take a short break from sources of stress. To enhance your experience, try playing calming music or a guided meditation. There are many free apps with guided meditations available for your smartphone. A short 20-minute session of relaxation and meditation can help you feel recharged and rejuvenated with positive energy as you step out of the spa.

2) After exercising

The adjustable jets in your hot tub from Dream Maker Spas provide a soothing massage to relax your muscles after exercise. Whether you’re an athlete or follow your own fitness routine, the heated massage therapy provided by your spa can be especially beneficial for those seeking a natural solution towards relieving minor muscle aches and pains.

3) When the kids get home from school

School is back in, and it may feel like you’re always going full steam ahead, but you’re not the only one. With high expectations in the classroom and in extracurricular activities, a long school day can leave kids feeling stressed. Bring everyone together to relax and unwind in your hot tub after a fast-paced school day. This family time will give everyone the opportunity to reconnect and can create a comfortable environment for kids to open up and share how their days went.