Turn your hot tub into a great destination for Friday evenings. Skip the living room for game nights and turn your hot tub into a game room of its own.

Playing games is a great way to connect with the family. Not only will it get the kids off their tablets and phones, it will give them something to look forward to at the end of the week. Finding games that break the family into teams are great for competitive fun.

Floating Board Games:
There are all kinds of floating board games for all ages. Check your neighborhood pool store for the latest fun games to bring to your hot tub. There are several different games including Tic-Tac-Toe, Checkers, and even waterproof cards to play Poker or Blackjack.

Musical Jets:
This next game is a fun one. Have a designated “music player,” who is out of the hot tub with a cell phone and ready to play and pause a song. Designate which seats are playable in the hot tub. Once the music starts, everyone rotates in the hot tub, and when the music stops, everyone sits down. Whoever is not in a designated seat is out the next round and picks a seat to sit in. That seat is no longer playable in the next rounds. Last person sitting in a “playable” seat wins.

Word Games:
One popular game is the rhyming game. While everyone is sitting, take turns clockwise or counterclockwise to find a word that rhymes with the word the previous person has said. Another game that is fun is “Words that begin with the letter __.” Pick a letter and everyone has to come up with a word that begins with that designated letter. Everyone has just a moment to think of a word, and if someone hesitates too long… they’re out!

Remember to keep cold drinks close by so you can stay hydrated while having family fun in the hot tub!