One of the biggest benefits of purchasing a Dream Maker Spa is the quality time that will be gained through the use of your hot tub. As much as you would love to gather the family for an after-dinner soak, are you aware of the hazards associated with children using a hot tub?

First and foremost, children should not be allowed in hot tubs unless their heads are completely above water when standing in the center of the hot tub. The American Academy of Pediatrics* notes that infants should never be permitted inside a hot tub, or anyone under the age of 5 years old. If you have an older child who is tall enough to safely use a hot tub it is important to follow these guidelines;

Adjust Water Temperature

Young children are more likely to overheat due to their small bodies. We suggest lowering the water temperature to 98 degrees, and limiting their time to no more than 15 minutes when using the hot tub. It is also important to remain hydrated before, during, and after use of the hot tub to further avoid dehydration and overheating.

Safety Rules

Hot tub safety is important, and rules should be set in place accordingly. At no time should a child submerge their head underwater while in the hot tub and their torso should always remain above water to further avoid drowning. It is also important to limit horseplay and instruct children never to jump or dive in the hot tub, or jokingly act as if they are drowning.

Take Precaution 

To avoid injuries, always make sure the steps leading into the hot tub are dry as well as the surrounding areas. Most importantly, an adult should always be present when a child is using a hot tub and always keep constant visual contact. When not in use, the cover should always be securely placed on the hot tub. Thankfully for you, our Weather Shield Deluxe Super Seal Covercomes with cover seal strap latch clamps and a key lock for extra security.

At the end of the day, kids will be kids! There is no avoiding the splashing, toys, or excitement, but it is crucial that your children understand and respect these safety guidelines. Happy safe soaking in your Dream Maker Spa!