Dehydration occurs when your body expels more water than it consumes. You may not realize it, but as you soak in your Dream Maker Spa you’re also losing water through sweating. Think of hot tubing as an exercise; it increases your heart rate, blood flow and circulation. To keep you hydrated in your hot tub, here are some of the most hydrating fruits and drinks to enjoy before and during your soak;

  • Watermelon – If you couldn’t tell by its name, watermelon has an astonishing water content of 92% making it one of the most hydrating foods you can eat.
  • With 91%, Strawberries are a close second when it comes to water content. Not only are they hydrating, but also packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Rich in fiber and vitamin A, Cantaloupe is made up of 90% of water.
  • Coconut Water not only has a water content of 95%, but is also filled with electrolytes making it the healthiest sports drink choice.
  • Tea, whether hot or cold, is a great option to hydrate with and is often packed with antioxidants.

Plain water can be boring and difficult to drink all day, we suggest livening it up by infusing your water with watermelon, cucumber, lemon, and various other combinations to help stay hydrated. Make sure to like and follow us on Facebook for more insider tips