Winter has arrived, and with it one of the most dreaded chores of the season: shoveling snow. While it’s tough to find many snow shoveling enthusiasts, there’s plenty of evidence that the activity has plenty of body benefits! So the next time you’re out clearing the driveway, remember all the good things the activity has in store.

Shoveling snow can help work your obliques, legs and back muscles. The activity provides core, strength and cardio training all in one session. The repetitive movement and shoveling activity provides a cardio workout and can burn between 180 and 266 calories per half hour.

Working outdoors in the winter also has mood-boosting benefits. Direct sunlight helps increase your brain’s production of serotonin for a natural winter pick-me-up. Serotonin is known for alleviating depression and can even help in curbing your craving for carbs.

If you have high blood pressure or a heart condition, it is essential to ask your doctor if you are healthy enough to shovel snow.

It’s important to remember to warm up before shoveling snow and to stretch your arms, legs and back. Dress warmly with waterproof insulating gear, and wear boots with a solid grip. Limit shoveling time to 15-20 minutes max with plenty of time in between sessions for rest.

A soak in your spa after shoveling snow can help warm your body back up and sooth the muscles that you worked during the activity.

Make the most of your chores this winter, and appreciate their muscle building and mood-boosting benefits!