Summer is coming to an end, but that’s no reason to hang up the towels. Crisp autumn air coupled with the warmth of your spa makes for a luxurious relaxation experience.

The change in seasons is also a perfect time to perform some simple routine maintenance on your spa. Here are a few things you can do to help ensure your spa is in top shape for relaxation and enjoyment all season.

1) Clean your filters

The easy-access filter of your hot tub from Dream Maker Spas helps reduce time spent cleaning your spa so you can spend more time enjoying it.

You can thoroughly clean your filter by holding it up to a garden hose and allow water pressure removes debris. Keep an extra filter on hand and alternate between cleanings. The back-up filter can be placed into your spa while you’re cleaning the other filter so that you don’t have to turn the spa off, to avoid unfiltered material from entering the system during the filter cleaning process.

2) Check your spa cover

Brushing off any fallen leaves or debris from your spa cover can help prevent sagging so your cover lasts longer. You can easily make checking the cover part of your daily routine even on days when you are not using your spa. Take a quick walk around your spa and remove any fallen debris from the cover.

Check to be sure the cover is properly closed for the tightest seal. Keeping your cover on your spa while not in use will help your heater regulate the temperature of the spa water more effectively.

3) Check your water temperature

The best part of lounging in the spa during the fall is soaking up the heat of the warm spa water while surrounded by crisp fall weather. You might want to bump the temperature of your water up one or two degrees to adjust to the lower outside temperature.