“Spending time in nature makes people feel more alive.”

It’s a bold claim, but a group of professors of psychology at the University of Rochester have the data to back it up. A series of five studies on the effects of being outdoors and in nature found that 90 percent of people report increased energy when in outdoor settings.

“Often when we feel depleted we reach for a cup of coffee, but research suggests a better way to get energized is to connect with nature,” Richard Ryan, professor of psychology, psychiatry, and education says.

What makes the studies unique is that they were designed to carefully test whether the increased vitality comes from the feel-good spillover effect of increased activity or if a boost can be credited solely to the presence of nature. The authors concluded that being outdoors was vitalizing because of the presence of nature and was not dependent on physical activity.

The studies found that simply being outside in nature for just 20 minutes in a day was enough to significantly boost vitality levels.

Quality time in nature doesn’t have to be spent on a mountain vista or in a national park. Enjoying nature in your own yard can have the same energizing effects.

You can transform your yard by combining a diverse range of plants that bloom at different times, illuminating focal points and walkways, planting lavender or other fragrant herbs, adding natural water features and creating natural shade. Incorporating your hot tub into your transformed yard lets you sit back and enjoy a daily 20-minute jet action massage and some electronics-free time to enjoy the nature around you.

With an oasis steps from your back door, you’ll be able to reap the benefits of nature right at home.