Do you find yourself constantly looking at screens, with a phone in one hand and tablet in the other? Trying to balance work-home relationships (or just turning off social media) is one of the ever-growing challenges in today’s technology-driven world.

If you’re feeling constantly pressured and stressed from an endless cycle of alerts, notifications, and emails, it could be time to set the phone aside for a little while. A short 20-minute session of relaxation and mind resting in your hot tub from Dream Maker Spas can help decompress your mind and body as you lounge back and enjoy the soothing massage jets of the spa.

You could even take the opportunity to encourage the entire family to enjoy a technology-free evening together. Setting aside the electronic devices can help you catch up on some valuable family time by playing games and sitting back and talking.

Hot tub time can make a regular technology break something that the whole family looks forward to — you may be surprised to find yourself not even thinking about your phone after your soak!

A few minutes of play in the fresh outdoor air will provide a scenic change of pace and can even help everyone get a good night’s rest at the end of the day.