We are proud to announce that Dream Maker Spas ranked FIRST in value of products in the 2016 TradeCertified™ Executive Summary Report! This year, Dream Maker Spas went up against the largest number of applicants that TradeCertified™ has ever had in the hot tub category.

The feedback measured in this report comes from the Dream Maker Spas dealer network and is validated by third party auditors to ensure accuracy. It measures the overall customer satisfaction, product quality and support services that Dream Maker provides to its North American dealer network.

Out of 25 hot tub businesses that reported results, Dream Maker Spas earned the highest index score for dealers’ overall satisfaction with the value of products.

TradeCertified™ is a completely independent organization that fairly and accurately evaluates small businesses, professionals and service centers to offer comprehensive business and product information to consumers. Buying from a TradeCertified™ company means you have selected an elite local business based on independently audited criteria related to sales, service, operations and customer satisfaction.