Rated #1 for Product Value

We are proud to announce that Dream Maker Spas ranked FIRST in value of products in the 2016 TradeCertified™ Executive Summary Report! This year, Dream Maker Spas went up against the largest number of applicants that TradeCertified™ has ever had in the hot tub category. The feedback measured in this report comes from the Dream [...]

Rated #1 for Product Value2017-12-13T11:01:27-04:00

Making a Spa Maintenance Schedule

Hot tubs from Dream Maker Spas are designed to be easy to maintain. By setting up a simple schedule for your spa’s maintenance, you will be able to ensure that your spa is sanitized and running properly. We’ve outlined an example spa maintenance schedule below, but yours could vary depending on the amount you use [...]

Making a Spa Maintenance Schedule2017-12-13T10:54:58-04:00

Choosing Your Spa’s Water Temperature

Setting your spa’s temperature is up to your comfort and preference, but there are a few considerations to take for health, seasons, and energy efficiency that can help you choose a temperature for your spa. Your Spa’s Maximum Temperature: All spas are designed to not surpass a maximum temperature of 104°F, but very few people [...]

Choosing Your Spa’s Water Temperature2017-12-13T10:49:16-04:00


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