Season of Stress

‘Tis the season to be…stressed. As cheery and bright as the holidays may be, they can be equally as stressful. In fact, a study by the American Psychological Association showed that 38% of people said their stress level increases during the holiday season. ( Between the family time, extra spending, and hosting pressures, it is [...]

Season of Stress2019-12-27T18:34:16-04:00

Picking The Perfect Hot Tub

Purchasing a hot tub can be an exciting process. With so many makes, models, and sizes by Dream Maker Spas, the options seem almost endless. To ensure you’re picking the perfect hot tub, here are two key questions to ask yourself before making the investment of a lifetime; How and Who? Before diving into a [...]

Picking The Perfect Hot Tub2019-07-31T11:28:22-04:00

Hot Tub Safety for You and Your Family

One of the biggest benefits of purchasing a Dream Maker Spa is the quality time that will be gained through the use of your hot tub. As much as you would love to gather the family for an after-dinner soak, are you aware of the hazards associated with children using a hot tub? First and [...]

Hot Tub Safety for You and Your Family2019-07-31T11:05:38-04:00

Date Night in Your Dream Maker Spa

After another long week of work, the weekend is finally upon us. Instead of resorting to your typical weekend routine of ordering takeout and watching movies with your significant other, why not plan a surprise date night right in your own backyard. If you already own a Dream Maker Spa, you’re already on your way [...]

Date Night in Your Dream Maker Spa2019-07-31T11:04:36-04:00

Why Do We Celebrate Labor Day?

Labor Day Weekend is upon us! For some it is considered the unofficial end of summer, a long weekend off work, or the start of the football season. Before you start up your hot tub and celebrate your day off, let's reflect on the true meaning of the holiday. Traditionally the first Monday in September, [...]

Why Do We Celebrate Labor Day?2019-07-03T14:08:07-04:00

What is Hydrotherapy?

You have probably heard the term “hydrotherapy” a hundred times, but do you know what it truly means? In short, hydrotherapy is the therapeutic act of combining heat, water and air to relieve physical aches and pains. Used for thousands of years, this method is known as one of the oldest health treatments originating from [...]

What is Hydrotherapy?2019-07-03T14:04:56-04:00

Hot Tub Health – Water Workouts

People often associate pools to water workouts such as water aerobics, but did you know your hot tub offers unique advantages to enhance your health and fitness as well? Pools may allow for more space, however the warm water from your hot tub increases blood flow and reduces toxins in your body, which contributes to [...]

Hot Tub Health – Water Workouts2019-07-03T14:02:13-04:00

Soaking & Your Skin – How To Ward Off Dryness

Earlier this month we talked about the importance of staying hydrated in your hot tub, but what about your skin? Hydration is more than just what you put inside of your body, your surface needs to be hydrated too! As soothing as it is to soak in your Dream Maker Spa, the mix of hot [...]

Soaking & Your Skin – How To Ward Off Dryness2019-06-03T10:54:22-04:00
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